Feeling frustrated and helpless trying to support your child at home? 


Many parents feel frustrated when it comes to helping their children with their homework. This includes a variety of situations like...

  • feeling overwhelmed by advanced content,
  • struggling due to unique learning needs,
  • experiencing anxiety about standardized testing, 
  • missing lots of classes for athletics,


But since most of us haven't taken chemistry since high school or struggled with algebra ourselves, we feel HELPLESS to help our kids. And it's a terrible feeling.

What if you could CHANGE this...

in about an hour


ChatGPT for Parents is an online course that teaches parents how to use Generative AI to support their child's education at home.

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What Life Looks Like After Taking

ChatGPT for Parents

Happy Homework Hour


When you know how to support your child's learning needs at home, homework hour goes from frustrating to fulfilling family time! 

Efficient Use of Time & Energy


Instead of wasting time spinning your wheels to figure out how to help your child with a subject or project, fast forward to tackling learning RIGHT AWAY. 

Take Ownership of Learning


When students know WHERE and HOW to get help, they learn to OWN their learning...not only for the present, but for high school, college, and life. 

Prepared to Use AI for the Future 


AI is here to stay...we need to teach our kids to use it ethically and effectively! It's predicted that our children will NEED to know this tech for their future careers. 

With ChatGPT for Parents,

parents can REVOLUTIONIZE the way they support their children's education.  

  • Provide Individualized Assistance

    Learning to use ChatGPT can help you INDIVIDUALIZE support for your child, whether they've missed class due to athletics, are striving to be challenged, preparing for standardized testing, or need support for unique learning needs.   

  • Get 24/7 Help 

    Wouldn't it be nice to have an on-call tutor while you're trying to make supper or writing a research essay over the weekend? ChatGPT is available 24/7. 

  • Receive Affordable Support

    ChatGPT is FREE...all you need to know is how to use this powerful tool effectively, efficiently, and, most important, ethically. 

Purchase the Course
Lesson 1: The Basics


Learn about the basics of generative AI and how it works, including how to navigate the various features of the ChatGPT webpage.

Lesson 2: Prompt Engineering


Where did ChatGPT come from, and how did it explode onto the scene? Here we’ll establish the foundation of what ChatGPT is and how to navigate important features of its website.

Lesson 3: Help with Learning


Discover ways that ChatGPT can help students in their learning journey: when they are struggling to understand a concept, when they want to test their knowledge of a topic, and when they need help creating a plan for studying.

Lesson 4: Help with Writing


Writing can create major homework headaches. Learning ways that ChatGPT can help with editing, revising, and even giving purposeful writing feedback.

Lesson 5: Extending Learning


In this lesson you’ll discover ways to help advance your child’s learning journey. ChatGPT can create learning opportunities that extend beyond those offered at school.

Lesson 6: Unique Learning Needs


Learning challenges like ADHD and dyslexia can create added frustration with homework, but ChatGPT provides access to ideas and resources that are tailored to each child’s unique learning needs.

Lesson 7: Standardized Test Prep


ACT/SAT prep classes and tutors can be expensive, but access to the knowledge and skills needed to succeed on these standardized tests doesn’t have to be. ChatGPT can provide valuable testing strategies, explain challenging concepts, and even give personalized student feedback.

Lesson 8: Ethics of Using Generative AI


Ensure that your child uses this powerful tool ethically and responsibly by learning important cautions of generative AI, as well as language you can use when discussing plagiarism. 

Enrollment is now open!

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Home License


  • Lifetime access to all video lessons
  • Access to all future updates
  • BONUS: AI Prompt Guide

Meet the course creator


Ryan Kirchoff has been an educator and a curriculum and instruction administrator for over 20 years in high schools in California, Florida, and Wisconsin. He is currently Instructional Coordinator at a private high school in Appleton, WI.

Ryan is passionate about student learning and helping schools and parents utilize the power of generative AI to improve education. He has conducted webinars, presented, and created multiple courses on harnessing the power of ChatGPT to maximize the ability for ALL students to learn at high levels.

But most importantly, Ryan and his wife are parents to two high schoolers and have experienced the headaches and frustrations that can come with homework. They have also seen the ways that ethically using ChatGPT can transform those frustrations into learning opportunities and growth for both of their children’s unique learning needs.

Ryan is excited to share his knowledge of ChatGPT to help all parents understand what generative AI is, how it works, and how they can use it to transform into rockstar parents who are ready to help their child(ren) tackle even the most challenging algebra equation, science concept, or writing prompt.

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